GF - Gandhi Foundation
GF stands for Gandhi Foundation
Here you will find, what does GF stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gandhi Foundation? Gandhi Foundation can be abbreviated as GF What does GF stand for? GF stands for Gandhi Foundation. What does Gandhi Foundation mean?Gandhi Foundation is an expansion of GF
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Alternative definitions of GF
View 173 other definitions of GF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GPF Gandhi Peace Foundation
- GRF Gandhi Research Foundation
- GIS Gandhian Institute of Studies
- GRDCT Gandhiji Rural Development Charity Trust
- GSP Gandhiji Seva Parisad
- GSSWS Ganga Sagar Social Welfare Society
- G Ganga sagar social welfare society regd.
- GSS Ganga Seva Samiti
- GYES Ganga Yog Education Society
- GFS Gareeb Friendship Society
- GGI Gareeb Guide International
- GGYUS Garh Gaurav Yuva Utthaan Sanstha
- G Garhjagriti sanskritik evam samajik samiti
- GOUN Garwhal Organization for Uplifting the Needy
- GBJS Gautam Buddha Jagriti Society